=== Gold Addons for Elementor === Contributors: jerryscg Donate link: https://goldaddons.com/pricing/ Tags: add-ons, elementor, elementor addons, elementor blog, elementor portfolio, elementor widgets, elementor page builder, elements, portfolio for elementor Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 5.7 Requires PHP: 5.6+ Stable tag: 1.1.5 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Gold Addons extends Elementor plugin with many unique & fresh widgets. == Description == Gold Addons extends Elementor plugin with many new fresh widgets. Right now we have a 10 awesome widgets: == FREE Widgets (7) == * [Alert Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/alerts/) * [Blog Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/blog/blog-list/) * [Blog Grid Layout](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/blog/blog-grid/) * [Blog Timeline Layout](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/blog/blog-timeline/) * [Blog Small Thumbs Layout](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/blog/blog-small-thumbs/) * [Blog Infinite Scroll](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/blog/infinite-scroll/) * [Blog Load More Button](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/blog/load-more-button/) * [Contact Form 7 Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/contact-form-7/) * [Image Carousel Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/image-carousel/) * [Modal Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/modal/) * [Price Box Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/price-box/) * [Team Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/team/) == PRO Widgets (3) == * [Accordion Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/accordion/) * [Portfolio Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/portfolio/) * [3D Flip Box Widget](https://goldaddons.com/widgets/3d-flip-box/) We are preparing many new widgets with every single update. [GoldAddons.com Website](https://goldaddons.com/) == Installation == The installation of Gold Addons for Elementor plugin is very simple: 1. Upload `gold-addons-for-elementor` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = Questions ? = Answers will be added later... == Changelog == = 1.1.5 - 04 March 2021 = * Added Contact Form 7 widget. * Updated a deprecated functions. * Updated plugin POT translation file. * Optimized the code. * Fixed alert widget FA icons not showing. * Fixed blog widget grid layout and infinite scroll bug. * Fixed price box widget list item FA icons not showing. * Fixed team widget FA icons not showing. = 1.1.4 - 11 September 2020 = * Added GoldAddons Pro plugin updater class. * Fixed collapse jQuery conflicts with some themes. = 1.1.3 - 18 March 2020 = * Fixed minor jQuery compatibility issues with some themes. * Fixed bug where GA removes Elementor WordPress & Smart Slider widgets. = 1.1.2 - 11 March 2020 = * Added Alert widget. * Updated translation .POT file. = 1.1.1 - 27 February 2020 = * Minor fixes. = 1.1.0 - 27 February 2020 = * Minor fixes. = 1.0.9 - 27 February 2020 = * Minor fixes. = 1.0.8 - 27 February 2020 = * Optimized some parts of the plugin. * Minor dashboard panel design changes. = 1.0.7 - 20 May 2019 = * Added blog content wrapper shadow styling feature. * Added show / hide post tags feature. * Added enable / disable read more link feature. * Fixed blog post title typography issue on some themes. * Updated plugin .pot file. = 1.0.6 - 19 May 2019 = * Updated blog widget with more styling features. = 1.0.5 - 17 May 2019 = * Minor code changes. * Updated plugin pot file. = 1.0.4 - 18 January 2019 = * Added upgrade features into admin dashboard. = 1.0.3 - 02 December 2018 = * Added Blog Posts Widget. = 1.0.2 - 17 September 2018 = * Added Price Box Widget. = 1.0.1 - 13 September 2018 = * Added Team Widget. = 1.0.0 - 12 September 2018 = * Initial Release