Agama WordPress Theme, Copyright 2015 - 2017 Agama is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL2 ####################### Changelog ###################### = 1.3.2 - 14 February 2018 = * Added phone number social icon feature. * Updated Kirki framework to the latest version. * Updated (improved) social icons code. * Fixed social email icon not showing issue. = - 20 January 2018 = * Fixed infinite scroll load more button doesn't show on tag.php page. * Fixed infinite scroll load more button doesn't show on archive.php page. * Fixed infinite scroll load more button doesn't show on category.php page. * Fixed infinite scroll load more button doesn't show on author.php page. * Fixed infinite scroll load more button doesn't show on search.php page. * Fixed infinite scroll load more button not working when blog grid layout selected. * Updated theme dark skin. * Updated Kirki framework to the latest version. * Updated "Top Border" feature to display only when header v2 & v3 selected. * Updated "Top Border" feature "transport" => "auto". * Updated "Top Margin" feature "transport" => "auto". * Updated breadcrumb to split in 2 rows when media device max-width is 992px. = - 12 December 2017 = * Added ALT attributes to slider images. = - 01 December 2017 = * Fixed Contact Form 7 responsivity issues. * Fixed Contact Form 7 border around recaptcha & file upload issue. = 1.3.1 - 24 November 2017 = * Added body typography feature into Customize -> General -> Body. * Added header textual logo typography feature. * Added navigation top typography feature. * Added navigation primary typography feature. * Added navigation mobile typography feature. * Added enable / disable HTML tags suggestion on comment form. * Added tag cloud icon on single page / post. * Extended customizer with FontAwesome icon picker feature. * Updated Kirki framework to the latest version. * Updated customizer preview for many features to partial refresh. * Updated 404 not found page styling. * Updated search form styling. * Updated tag cloud widget style. * Improved CSS inline loading speed. * Fixed top navigation social icons enable / disable issue. * Fixed static front page breadcrumb to show page title instead of "Home". * Fixed particles overflow on header image issue. * Fixed sidebar left side bugs. * Fixed blog grid layout issues. * Fixed blog infinity scroll bug. * Fixed back to top button on small media devices. * Fixed Notice: Kirki_Field::set_output was called incorrectly. "output" invalid format in field agama_slider_overlay_bg_color. * Fixed Notice: Kirki::add_field was called incorrectly. Do not use "alpha" as an argument in color controls. = 1.3.0 July 27 2017 = * Added top navigation select links color feature. * Added top navigation select links hover color feature. * Added primary navigation select links color feature. * Added primary navigation select links hover color feature. * Added mobile navigation select links color feature. * Added mobile navigation select links hover color feature. * Added mobile navigation custom title below hamburger menu icon. * Added mobile navigation write custom text below hamburger menu icon. * Fixed slider buttons not clickable when particles is enabled. * Fixed mobile navigation links color and menu background color issue. * Updated mobile hamburger menu icon styling & animation. = May 18 2017 = * Added Agama Blue contents hook. * Fixed minor header menu styling issues. = 1.2.9 May 18 2017 = * Added slider particles js feature. * Added header image particle js feature. * Added frontpage boxes global enable / disable feature. * Added WooCommece 3.x support & fixed minor bugs. * Updated blog layouts template files. * Updated theme translation files. * Updated frontpage boxes code. * Updated customizer frontpage boxes icon color (transport = postMessage). * Updated footer widgets area dynamic bootstrap class per active widgets. * Fixed mobile menu child styling issues. * Fixed frontpage boxes animated effect minor bugs. * Fixed posts animated effect minor bugs. * Fixed minor WooCommerce styling issues. = January 30 2017 = * Fixed blog posts animated minor bugs. = 1.2.8 January 27 2017 = * Fixed blog small thumbs layout, big space between posts on mobile devices. * Added frontpage boxes loading animation feature. * Added blog posts loading animation feature. = 1.2.7 Januar 26 2017 = * Removed Agama favicon feature & enabled default WordPress favicon feature. * Updated customizer header section. * Updated customizer styling header section. * Updated customizer primary color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer header background color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer header shrinked background color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer header borders color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer logo color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer logo hover color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer navigation color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated customizer navigation hover color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated footer widget area background color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated footer copyright area background color option (transport = postMessage). * Updated theme translation files. = 1.2.6 Januar 12 2017 = * Added blog post meta date (on | off) feature. * Added blog post meta category (on | off) feature. * Added blog post meta comments counter (on | off) feature. * Updated theme translation files. * Updated customizer blog sections. * Updated small thumbs blog layout post meta. * Fixed Header V1 header shrinked background color bug. * Fixed minor post meta bugs. * Fixed (jQuery [undefined?32123123] 404 not found) bug. = 1.2.5 Januar 07 2017 = * Updated kirki framework to latest stable version. * Updated FontAwesome to latest stable version. = 1.2.4 November 22 2016 = * Fixed dashed lines issue when comments are disabled. * Minor styling fixes. * Minor coding fixes. = 1.2.3 July 25 2016 = * Minor theme updates. = 1.2.2 Jul 12 2016 = * FIXED: Warning: Cannot modify header information bug. = 1.2.1 Jul 05 2016 = * ADDED: Header V1 background color feature. * ADDED: Slider general section with few features. * ADDED: Frontpage boxes general section with few features. * UPDATED: Header image & slider can work on same time now. * UPDATED: Theme translation files. * UPDATED: FontAwesome files to latest version. * FIXED: Header V2 & V3 slider height bug. * FIXED: Agama slider image caching issue. = 1.2.0 Mar 3 2016 = * ADDED: Transparent header (Header V1) feature. * ADDED: Transparent header (Header V1) styling feature. * ADDED: Slider features. * ADDED: Logo max-height feature. * ADDED: German translation files (Credits: Thomas Moritz). * UPDATED: Rewritten customizer options completely. * UPDATED: Mobile menu completely rewritten. * UPDATED: Language translation files. = 1.1.7 Feb 20 2016 = * ADDED: Pages / posts will became full-width if no active widgets in Main Sidebar area. * ADDED: Frontpage boxes icon / image URL feature. * ADDED: Search page post thumbnails on / off feature. * FIXED: Search page blog grid layout bug. * FIXED: Mobile menu always expanded bug. = 1.1.6 Nov 30 2015 = * ADDED: Breadcrumb background color feature. * ADDED: Breadcrumb links color feature. * ADDED: Breadcrumb text color feature. * ADDED: Footer widget area background color feature. * ADDED: Footer bottom area background color feature. * FIXED: Current menu item background color on navigation. * UPDATED: ReStyled footer area. * UPDATED: Language translation files. * IMPLEMENTED: Action hook for breadcrumbs. (agama_breadcrumbs_action) * IMPLEMENTED: Action hook for frontpage boxes. (agama_frontpage_boxes_action) = 1.1.5 Nov 24 2015 = * ADDED: Upload favicon feature. * ADDED: Breadcrumb feature ( enable / disable ). * ADDED: Breadcrum style feature ( mini / normal ). * ADDED: Disable breacrumb on homepage / frontpage feature. * ADDED: Enable / disable post author feature. * UPDATED: Dark skin stylesheet. * ADDED: Custom CSS feature. = 1.1.4 Oct 22 2015 = * ADDED: Tag cloud support (widget, posts). * ADDED: Enable / Disable featured thumbnails on single post. * ADDED: Enable / Disable Post Meta Details (date, category, author, comments count). * FIXED: Footer links color issue. = 1.1.3 Oct 11 2015 = * FIXED: Sticky top menu max-width issue. * ADDED: Image support feature on frontpage boxes. * ADDED: Contact Form 7 style support. * IMPROVED: bbPress styling. = 1.1.2 Sep 30 2015 = * FIXED: issues with menu assign checkbox visibility. * ADDED: Blog thumbnails url enable / disable feature. * ADDED: Top menu feature on sticky header. * ADDED: New social icons style. * IMPROVED: Menu hover in, hover out animation. = 1.1.1 Sep 10 2015 = * ADDED: Frontpage boxes feature. * ADDED: About author enable / disable feature. * ADDED: 1 new blog layout (small thumbs) feature. * ADDED: sidebar align (left / right) feature. * ADDED: Enable / Disable "Read More" blog url feature. * CLEAN: Unused files & code. * FIXED: Blog grid style, comments overlap with posts. * FIXED: Few issues in mobile navigation. * FIXED: Duplicated post categories bug. * IMPROVED: Editor stylesheet. * IMPROVED: Infinite scroll, added trigger feature (auto / button). * IMPROVED: Blog posts styling. * IMPROVED: Comments layout restyled. * IMPROVED: Overall styling. = 1.1.0 Aug 30 2015 = * FIXED: textdomain issue in customizer. = 1.0.9 Aug 28 2015 = * ADDED: Layout style options (Boxed / Fullwidth). * FIXED: Blog list feature thumbnail size issue. * IMPROVED: Right to Left (RTL) stylesheet issues. * IMPROVED: Header style select options. * IMPROVED: Sticky header navigation. * IMPROVED: WooCommerce shop page. = 1.0.8 Aug 17 2015 = * FIXED: minor notices = 1.0.7 Aug 10 2015 = * FIXED: Search page results. * IMPROVED: Sticky header responsivity. * IMPROVED: Navigation menus. * IMPROVED: Logo centered on responsive devices. * IMPROVED: Customizer options. = 1.0.6 Jun 23 2015 = * FIXES: multiple theme fixes. = 1.0.5 Jun 23 2015 = * FIXES: multiple theme fixes. = 1.0.4 Jun 22 2015 = * FIXES: multiple theme fixes & unnecessary css code cleaned. = 1.0.3 Jun 20 2015 = * ADDED: FlexSlider 2 in Customizer * ADDED: Infinite Scroll option * ADDED: WooCommerce Products per Page option = 1.0.2 Jun 06 2015 = * ADDED: Sticky header option * ADDED: NiceScroll option * ADDED: Back to top button option = 1.0.1 May 29 2015 = * ADDED: 25 Social icons in theme customize * ADDED: enable/disable top navigation menu option. * ADDED: light/dark skin option * ADDED: blog grid/list style option * ADDED: blog excerpt lenght option * ADDED: social icons option * ADDED: WooCommerce support * ADDED: bbPress support * ADDED: BuddyPress support * ADDED: four widget places in footer. * ADDED: footer custom copyright option. * ADDED: Serbian language translation. = 1.0 May 25 2015 = * Initial Release ####################### Licenses ####################### Agama WordPress Theme bundles the following third-party resources: * Bootstrap 3 - - MIT License * FontAwesome Icons - - Font License: SIL OFL 1.1, Code License: MIT - GPL Friendly * hoverIntent - - MIT License * HTML5 Shiv - - GPL2 License * Isotope - - GPL3 License * NiceScroll -, - MIT License * Superfish - - MIT License * Infinite Scroll - - MIT License * imagesLoaded - - MIT License * scrollToTop - - MIT License * jRespond - - MIT License * Animate - - MIT License * Easing - - BSD License * Camera - - MIT License * AnimOnScroll - - MIT Lcense * Particles - - MIT License Images used in Screenshot are licensed under Creative Commons Zero License: * - - CC0 1.0 License Unless otherwise specified, all the theme files, scripts and images are licensed under GNU General Public License version 2, see file license.txt.